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The Corporate Management, Inc. Team
Richard M Kipperman
Panel Trustee, Receiver, Assignee, Provisional Director, Post Confirmation Liquidating Agent, Fiduciary Responsibilities and Project Management
Download Kipperman Resume PDF
Joel Ewan
Receiverships and Special Projects
Lisa Jones
Chapter 7 Claims and Case Closing
Teresa Jorge
Case Management and Data Input
Maggie Lind
Jennifer Miller
Rents and Profits Receiverships
Renee Nowicki
Trustee Assistant and Special Projects
John Standley
Receiverships, Assignments and Special Projects
Tina Vreeland
Chapter 7 Trustee Assistant
Becky Winn
Chapter 7 Claims and Case Closing
Contact Information
Corporate Management, Inc.
P. O. Box 3010
La Mesa, CA 91944-3010
Phone: 619.668.4500
Fax: 619.668.9014
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